Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blog Feature Sunday - Get to know Denise @ Momma Fix

Click HERE to enter Momma Fix's shop!

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a wife of 14 years and mother of two boys and grew up in Alaska. I love traveling, the beach, shopping, party planning and spending time with friends and family.

Name three words to describe yourself.
Loyal, Passionate, Balanced

Name three words to describe your shop.
Savvy, Fair trade, Fresh

I would agree with all of those words! I love how different your shop is!

How long have you been creating? How long have you been selling your product, and what made you take the plunge to sell to others? 

I have been creating my entire life~ I don't feel balanced unless I am creating on a weekly basis. I started sewing my slings 7 years ago. I found that people were drawn to my fabric choices and were looking for a well made functional products.

Tell me a little bit about your creative process?

It really starts with getting inspiration from my surroundings and through magazines. I love pulling ideas from decorating magazines. I either star by looking at fabrics I already own and getting ideas on what I want to create or start with the product that I will create and move to the fabrics. It depends on my mood. Then I make a sample and tweak it until I love it and end up making tons of them in the same week.

What are your other passions?

My kids, exercising, reading, socializing, and eating yummy food.

What are your two favorite items from your shop, and why?

My new shrugs because they the fabrics are stunning and they are so versatile being reversible. I also love our pocket tunics. The pockets are functional and the fabrics funky.

What are some of your favorite shops? Tom Kat Studio, Baronyka, The Little Fox, Color bee, noahandlilah.

Lastly, what is some advice that you would offer to those interested in starting their own shop? Have fun and you have to love what you do. It is hard work and you have to do a little bit everyday otherwise your shop will lack interest or attention.

Now onto one of my favorite parts of the interview...let's take a look at some of the items from Denise's shop that are on MY wishlist!

I think that this Green Top is SO adorable! What a pretty color of Green, too!

I love the classic lines and simple print of this dress.

And just in case you don't have sweet girls to rock Denise's clothes, she also makes awesome, OOAK toys!! Take a look here!

Denise, we so appreciate you taking your valuable time to spend with us today! I have loved getting to know more about you and Momma Fix!

Thanks for your generous donation to our give away!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday Favorites ... Maybe this will be a habit?!

So last week I promised that doing the Favorites on Saturday wouldn't become the norm..and then look what happens?! I do them on Saturday TWO weeks in a row!!

My apologies. We had a fun filled, busy week! Friday was spent playing with some good friends and doing chores around the house...and I had no time to get on here and blog. Oh well, there is always next week..right?!

Without further ado, I present this week's favorites...

My new, VERY favorite fabric...CHIFFON!
It is lovely. Seamless. Somewhat sheer. Soft. Flowy. Easy to work with.

Expect a LOT of new Chiffon items in the shop soon. Squeeeeeal!

I love this Chiffon dress, if only I could pull off that color.

Pretty Chiffon trim...this stuff has SO many uses.

I love trees..expecially those that yield Acorns! (I just checked with Jon, that would be an Oak tree, LOL.) 

Acorns are so fun. My kids were collecting them outside the other day and Evie (my 3.5 year old) asked for a bowl. She said that she wanted a bowl to put acorns in for the squirrels...such a considerate little lady!

While I was searching for an acorn shot, I came across this...adorable!

Seriously, who wants to crochet these for me?! I will trade ya a headband.

I have mentioned before that I LOVE my baby Keurig, but I feel like you should also know that I LOVE Dunkin Donuts coffee.
Imagine my surprise/excitement/PURE JOY when I saw a commercial for this:
This Mama is going to DD TODAY for some new K-Cups.

This one is pretty self explanatory, but I really enjoy going to our Dollar Tree. They have SO much stuff and it's so reasonably priced....hehehe.

Jon and I didn't have a big wedding, by any means. We were actually married by the JOP at the local courthouse. It was lovely, and fine...but I really wish sometimes that we would have had a big wedding.

In lieu of my (sometimes) wedding fever, I am obsessed with wedding veils as of late. I often wonder what type of dress and veil I would have ended up with...

This is a liiiittle too poufy for my taste, but I love the style.
 vTech toys are awesome. We don't have this actual one..but every product that we have from them is amazing.
This is cute, maybe we need to get this for a Christmas present...
 And last, but certainly NOT this lovely Ruffle Cake. I have to thank my friend, Angela, for turning me onto these awesome things.
Now, I am considering doing a mini Ruffle cake for A's party, as well as making the cupcakes "Ruffled", too!

This would be SO cute for a little girls baby shower.

Well, I am off! Stay tuned, because I have a REALLY exciting 30 day blog challenge starting this weekend!